Wednesday, 28 February 2018

2017 Schurmys - Television Awards

2017 Schurmann Film Awards

Television Awards

Bojack Horseman
Ah, television. I would like to officially welcome the medium to the Schurmann Film Blog. It's a big step in becoming a legitimate art form. In fact, I believe it only needs to get a former star elected to highest office in the land and oh wait... not him. He doesn't count. Let's just wait for President Oprah.

Anyways, welcome to the television section of the Schurmann Film Awards. I will be honouring the best the medium had to offer in 2017, or at least the best that I saw. There is so much television out there I can't even pretend that these awards are anywhere close to definitive. There's no Walking Dead or Big Bang Theory or Kit Harrington nominations so consider these to be above the Emmys but still below an actual awards ceremony like the Nobel Laureates. For your reference so you don't yell at me asking where season 3 of Fargo is (for the record I didn't really care for season 2 so I didn't watch season 3) I'll be linking a list of all the television I watched this year. That link is conveniently right here. And now, the 2017 Television Awards portion of the Schurmys.

Tuesday, 27 February 2018

2017 Schurmys - Technical Awards

2017 Schurmann Film Awards

Technical Awards

Wonder Woman
Welcome to the first batch of awards being handed out. These are the technical awards. You probably don't know the names of the people doing this work (and neither do I and I fully accept that that makes me terrible) but the work they do is as important as the famous stars wearing their costumes, parading around their sets or being buried by CGI. These unsung heroes get a chance to step into the spotlight today.

Monday, 26 February 2018

2017 Schurmys - An Introduction

2017 Schurmann Film Awards

An Introduction

Welcome to the 2017 edition of The Schurmys. This is the first year they will be taking place on this blog spread over multiple days instead of being released as one giant Google document on Oscar morning. This year I have a week long celebration of the best (and worst) of 2017 in film and television planned so be sure to come back every day to stay up to speed.

2017 Schurmann Film Awards

2017 Schurmann Film Awards


Molly's Game
Welcome to the 2017 Schurmann Film Awards (aka The Schurmys) where I honour the best (and worst) in film and television from the year that was 2017. This is the hub containing the schedule and links to the various posts.

Monday - Introduction (w/ Video Celebration)
Tuesday - Technical Awards
Wednesday - Television Awards
Thursday - Genre Awards
Friday - Worst Awards

I, Tonya